Saturday, 7 August 2010

AlphaBook Project: First week up, 4,006 words in

Right.  The first week of my AlphaBook Project is (nearly) up.

I'm pleased with my progress so far.  My target was 5,000 words a week, and I confess I didn't quite get there this week - I'm at 4,006 words.  I could carry on plugging away at it into this evening and get there, but I've written a lot already today and it's starting to feel sloggy, so I think it's best to stop.  I could do with some time with my beloved AlphaBloke :-)

Besides, I'm ok with being 1,000 words down this first week.  I ended up doing character work for an evening when I realised there was a gaping hole in my story structure, which obviously took some of my writing time.  It was vital that I did it and it helped unblock me, so it was an evening well-spent.  I'm pleased with what I've got so far, too.  I'm moving forward.

The next week's shaping up to be a nightmare for writing, though.  I have a crazy week at work, a couple of evenings out, and an event that will take up most of the weekend.  I might start seeing what I can knock out on the commute.

I'm off to look for a good poem to post as AlphaPoem of the Week tomorrow!

How's your writing week been?  Are you working towards any goals or targets?  Please feel free to share your highs and lows here.


  1. Woohoo! You rock!

    I had a miserable writing week. I am officially two weeks behind on a review and I'm just not getting anywhere. But I figured out what is missing - I need to start exercising again. Always helps make my schedule more manageable!

  2. Sounds like your writing's going well - hooray!

    I finished the latest revision of my wip and sent it out to Betas earlier in the week, so now I'm kind of on a break. After I catch up reading blogs and write a few future posts (I'm going to try something new - writing posts in advance - I've always written them the night before I post), I'm going to start thinking about plotting a new idea I have.

  3. That's a fantastic acheivement!

    My writing week has been quite good - I have a final draft of a short story written, which I'm going to submit later today. Fingers-crossed.

  4. Sounds like you've made great progress.

    My last week has been a bit bitty with several stories at different stages. I often work like this, flitting from one thing to another, but right now I need to sit down and get my teeth firmly stuck into one thing!

  5. Thanks all for your posts.

    Emm - thanks for the support! I will have to get more info from you on how exercising makes the schedule more manageable - I'm finding it harder and harder to fit things in, exercise included!

    Susan- Nice to hear you're getting a bit of a break. I also need to catch up on my blog reading at some point... I haven't tried writing posts in advance yet, but it's a great idea - especially if you can see busier times on the horizon. Good luck with the plotting.

    Ellie - Ooh, good stuff - best of luck with the story submission.

    Joanne - Thanks. I was making good progress, although I now haven't looked at it since Saturday. I sort of don't want to do it when it feels like a chore, but then I might never finish it... I think your approach sounds quite good - I'd love to have something else to 'flit' to when this one feels like a chore!

  6. Oh, sweetie, don't get down on yourself at all for doing less than 5k a week. Crap, I can hardly get 1k a week. Seriously. Go at a pace that lets you stay creative. :)
